Period Repair & Hormone Health

Your Period


Be Ruining

Your Week

Period problems are so common that most women accept them as a fact of life. But the truth is, all period issues arise from imbalances that can be addressed with the practices of Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM).

Repair Your Hormones, Don’t Suppress Them

The two most commonly prescribed medications for any period issue are NSAID pain relievers and hormonal birth control. However, neither of these types of medications change the underlying issues that are causing painful periods, heavy bleeding, or unpredictable cycles. TEAM is different.

TEAM identifies the imbalances unique to you and offers strategies to address them permanently, in as little as three cycles. Imagine how life changing it would be to have a better period in just a few months!

  • A normal period, or one that reflects proper hormone balance, should arrive at regular intervals - about every 28-30 days. Bleeding should be 4-5 days of moderate, bright red flow. You should be needing to change your period care about every four hours. There shouldn’t be any clots, significant pain, or any other typical PMS signs. There should be noticeable clear, stretchy cervical fluid at ovulation, and your luteal, or post-ovulatory, phase should last 12-14 days with no spotting before your period.

  • Tracking the start date of each period in your calendar is the first step in tracking your period for regularity. You can also keep track of how many days your flow lasts and what the color and quality of the blood is. Tracking your basal body temperature adds another layer of insight into what your hormones are up to. Where your temperature falls on average and how it shifts throughout your cycle can give you valuable information about your estrogen, FSH, and progesterone levels.

  • TEAM treatment starts by understanding how your body is functioning presently and how your health history and current lifestyle factors may be contributing to any imbalances you’re experiencing. This information is used to diagnosis your pattern of imbalance through the framework of Traditional East Asian Medicine. Once your pattern is established, specific herbal, nutritional, and acupuncture/acupressure protocols can be applied that restore balance to your hormone system and health overall.

  • The short answer is all of them. Because the goal of TEAM is always to activate your body’s own regulating and healing abilities, any condition or symptom that is the result of an imbalance can be addressed with the methods of TEAM. More specifically TEAM can successfully address irregular periods, painful periods, metabolic and inflammatory conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis, PMS, and any other symptoms associated with your period.