The 5 Fertility Types: Patterns, Symptoms, and Solutions
Understanding Your Fertility Type Can Help You Get Pregnant Faster
Whether you have a western medical diagnosis or not, understanding your Fertility Type through the lens of Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) can offer greater insight into why you're struggling to get or stay pregnant. Once you know what Type you are, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the foods, herbs, and lifestyle habits that can improve your fertility or those that may be undermining it.
This article explores the Five TEAM Fertility Types: Tired, Dry, Stuck, Pale, and Waterlogged, along with associated symptoms, common Western diagnoses, and supportive food, lifestyle, and acupressure recommendations.
The Five Types are analogous to the most commonly seen TEAM patterns in women experiencing fertility issues. Traditionally, these patterns are Qi and Yang deficiency, Yin deficiency, Qi and Blood stagnation, Blood deficiency, and excess Phlegm/Damp.
I have borrowed the more relatable terms Tired, Dry, Stuck, Pale, and Waterlogged from the teachings of Jill Blakeway, whose work has greatly influenced my own, and her wonderful book Making Babies*, which is an excellent resource for further reading.
The Fertility Types are listed below in the order of most to least common type and it’s not uncommon for you to identify with more than one type. Oftentimes, prolonged imbalances in one area will lead to imbalances in others and leading to combination patterns.
The Tired Fertility Type
The Tired Type is characterized by, well, tiredness, like the volume on your energy has been turned way down. If your Fertility Type is Tired, it’s like your metabolism, temperature, and motivation have all been set to the low.
Common Symptoms of the Tired Fertility Type
- Fatigue and low energy
- Feeling cold, especially in you lower back, abdomen, hands, and feet
- Low sex drive
- Early morning diarrhea or weak digestion
- Pale complexion and low appetite
Common Western Diagnoses In The Tired Fertility Type
- Hypothyroidism
- Luteal phase defect (low progesterone)
- Poor ovarian reserve or suboptimal egg quality
- Low basal body temperature
Foods To Revive the Tired Fertility Type
- Warming, nourishing foods such as stews, soups, and congees.
- Warming spices: ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and black pepper.
- Protein-rich foods like eggs, chicken, lamb, nuts, and seeds.
- Avoid raw and cold foods, as well as excessive unfermented dairy as these slow down your digestion and metabolism.
Lifestyle Tips for the Tired Fertility Type
- Keep your body warm, particularly you lower abdomen (use a hot water bottle if needed).
- Prioritize rest and minimize overwork - start saying no anything you can that feels more like a drain than a boost.
- Practice gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi to strengthen your muscles without exhausting yourself further.
Acupressure Points for the Tired Fertility Type
Conception Vessel 4: Origin of the Source
Location: on the midline of your lower abdomen, about a little more than one hand’s width below your belly button
Represents the source of life
Connects to the uterus
Nourishes reproductive potential
Stomach 36: Lower Sea of Energy
Location: about one hand’s width below your knee cap, about an inch outside the crest of your upper shin bone. Often tender upon massage.
Strongly improves energy
Supports digestion and assimilation of nutrients
Improves immunity
Treats indigestion
Governing Vessel 4: Life Gate
Location: On the midline of your back, at the level of your belly button
Connects to the womb
Strengthens reproductive potential
Improves energy and vitality
Relieves back and knee pain
The Dry Fertility Type
The Dry Type is characterized by dryness and heat, like a desert that gets rain only very rarely.
Common Symptoms of the Dry Fertility Type Are:
Dry skin, hair, and nails
Tendency towards dehydration and being chronically thirsty
Night sweats, hot flashes, and or generally feeling hot frequently
Vaginal dryness and lack of cervical fluid at ovulation
Insomnia or restlessness
Common Western Diagnoses Associated With the Dry Fertility Type:
- Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with diminished estrogen
- Chronic stress-related hormone imbalances
- Endometrial thinning
Foods To Replenish the Dry Fertility Type
- Hydrating, nourishing foods like bone broths, soups, and lightly cooked vegetables.
- Moistening foods such as sesame seeds, almonds, spinach, eggs, and fish.
- Hydrating fruits like pears, berries, and watermelon, but avoid overly cooling foods like ice cream.
Lifestyle Tips for the Dry Fertility Type
- Stay hydrated, especially with electrolyte rich beverages, and avoid activities that overheat the body or cause excess seating.
- Engage in restorative (but definitely NOT HOT) yoga, meditation, or mindful breathing practices.
- Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep and limit screen exposure at night.
Acupressure Points for the Dry Fertility Type
Kidney 3: Supreme Stream
Location: In the depression behind the inner ankle bone and in front of the Achilles tendon
Strengthens reproductive potential
Cools heat sensations and inflammation
Spleen 6: Three Yin Meeting
Location: About a hand’s width above the inner ankle bone, just behind the edge of your lower leg bone.
Connects to the three major Yin Channels of the body
Regulates the menstrual cycle
Strengthens reproductive potential
Supports healthy ovulation
Relieves period cramps
Connects to the uterus - should not be used during pregnancy
Lung 7: Broken Sequence
Location: above the wrist crease on the thumb side of your forearm, about an inch and a half above the prominent wrist bone
Balances moods and emotions
Regulates the Conception Channel
Normalizes fluid balance
The Stuck Fertility Type
The Stuck Fertility Type is characterized by lack of proper movement and flow - of blood, energy, and emotions. Instead of allowing things to flow and move with ease, the Stuck Fertility Type tens to let things build up - circulation, muscle tension, feelings, stress until there’s no choice but to explode. This relationship between the physical and mental-emotional stasis goes both ways. Intense emotions can lead to stuckness in the physical body, and physical stuckness in the body can lead to intense emotions.
Common Symptoms of the Stuck Fertility Type
- Physical manifestations of stress such as tension headaches or nervous indigestion
- Painful, heavy periods with dark, clotted blood
- Irritability or mood swings, breast soreness, and/od abdominal bloating before your period
- Feelings of tightness in the chest or sides of the body
- Mood swings or emotional outbursts
Common Western Diagnoses Associated With the Stuck Type
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts
- Unexplained infertility (often related to stress)
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Foods to Invigorate the Stuck Fertility Type
- Circulation promoting foods such as turmeric, garlic, onions, and radishes.
- Soothing teas like chamomile, ginger, and mint to ease stagnation.
- Avoid greasy, heavy, or overly processed foods that can bog down your digestion and circulation.
Lifestyle Tips for the Stuck Fertility Type
- Engage in regular moderate-intensity exercise like walking or dancing.
- Use stress-relief techniques such as journaling or acupressure.
- Consider abdominal massages to relieve tension.
Acupressure Points for the Stuck Fertility Type
Liver 3: Great Rushing
Location: about 1.5 to 2 inches upwards from the meeting place of your first and second toes. This point is typically very tender - especially for the Static Fertility Type
Promotes smooth circulation of blood, energy, and emotions
Relieves pre-period breast pain, headaches, irritability, and mood swings
Helps to regulate your period
Spleen 8: Earth Pivot
Location: on the inner side of your lower leg, on the back side of your lower leg bone, about one hand’s width below the crease formed by your bent knee
Improves circulation in the uterus and lower abdomen
Supports reproductive potential
Regulates your period and relieves cramps
Gallbladder 34: Yang Mound Spring
Location: on the outer side of your lower leg, about an inch below and in front of the bony point of your outer leg bone (fibula), just below the outer side of your knee
Promotes smooth circulation of blood, energy, and emotions
Relaxes muscle and tendon tension and tightness
Relieves pain, stiffness, and cramping throughout the body
The Pale Fertility Type
The Pale Fertility Type is arises when the circulation or quality of blood is impaired. When your blood doesn’t contain sufficient nutrients or fails to reach an area of your body, your organs and tissues can become depleted of the energy, moisture, and warmth that your blood is meant to supply.
Common Symptoms of the Pale Fertility Type
- Light or absent periods
- Pale complexion, lips, and tongue
- Dizziness, blurred vision, or poor memory
- Fatigue, particularly after exertion
- Dry skin and hair
- Difficulty falling asleep
Common Western Diagnoses Associated With the Pale Type
- Anemia
- Hypomenorrhea (light menstrual flow)
- Thin uterine lining
- Low estrogen
- Low FSH
Foods That Nourish the Pale Fertility Type
- Blood-building foods such as beets, cooked dark leafy greens, red meat, and black beans.
- Iron-rich foods like liver, oysters, and lentils.
- Herbal teas like nettle or red raspberry leaf infusions.
Lifestyle Tips for the Pale Fertility Type
- Avoid overexertion; prioritize slow, mindful movement.
- Take regular breaks to rest both the body and mind.
- Include grounding practices such as journaling or quiet reflection.
Acupressure Points for the Pale Fertility Type
Spleen 6: Three Yin Meeting
Location: About a hand’s width above the inner ankle bone, just behind the edge of your lower leg bone.
Connects to the three major Yin Channels of the body
Regulates the menstrual cycle
Strengthens reproductive potential
Supports healthy ovulation
Relieves period cramps
Connects to the uterus - should not be used during pregnancy
Stomach 36: Lower Sea of Energy
Location: about one hand’s width below your knee cap, about an inch outside the crest of your upper shin bone. Often tender upon massage.
Strongly improves energy
Supports digestion and assimilation of nutrients
Improves immunity
Treats indigestion
Liver 8: Curved Spring
Location: on the inner side of the leg, toward the back of the knee, about an inch in front of the inner knee crease when your knee is bent
Nourishes blood
Regulates your period
Resolves damp conditions in the pelvic region
The Waterlogged Fertility Type
The Waterlogged Fertility Type is characterized by difficulty with fluid metabolism and phlegm.
Common Symptoms of the Waterlogged Fertility Type
- Water retention and swelling
- Easily gaining excess weight
- Recurrent yeast infections
- Brain fog and poor concentration
- Cravings for sweets or greasy foods
Common Western Diagnoses Associated With the Waterlogged Fertility Type
- PCOS (often linked to excess weight or insulin resistance)
- Recurrent yeast infections
- Fallopian tube blockages
- Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Foods to Decongest the Waterlogged Fertility Type
- Focus on protein rich foods and slow carbs
- Light, drying foods like millet, barley, asparagus, and green tea.
- Include warming spices like ginger and cardamom to aid digestion.
Lifestyle Tips for the Waterlogged Fertility Type
- Move daily to stimulate circulation and reduce dampness.
- Practice diaphragmatic breathing to support metabolism.
- Avoid sitting for long periods without movement.
Acupressure Points for the Soggy Fertility Type
Spleen 9: Yin Mound Spring
Location: On the inside of your lower leg bone at the curve of the bone below your knee
Regulates fluid metabolism
Stimulates digestion and metabolism
Stomach 40: Abundant Bulge
Location: On the outside of your lower leg, halfway between your knee and your outer ankle bone, about two inches outwards from your shin bone
Regulates fluid metabolism
Resolves conditions of excess phlegm or mucus
Ren 12: Middle Cavity
Location: On the midline of your stomach, a little more than one hands width above yout belly button
Strengthens digestion
Regulates water metabolism
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*Affiliate Link. I may earn a small commission on any items purchased through an affiliate link. I recommend only products that I feel confident will add value to your experience.