How to Boost Your Fertility in Your 30s and 40s
Trying to Get Pregnant in Your 30s and 40s
If you’re trying to get pregnant and you’re in your 30s or 40s, it’s hard not to wonder how much your age is impacting your ability to conceive. While it’s true that fertility naturally declines as you get older, reaching a certain age doesn’t define your fertility. Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) recognizes that while aging is inevitable, there are tools, strategies, and practices that you can use to preserve and restore your ability to get pregnant.
By supporting your body with foods, herbs, moxibustion, and circulation-promoting exercises that improve cellular metabolism, minimize oxidative damage and inflammation, and increase circulation to your reproductive organs, TEAM has the ability to reverse cellular aging and increase your changes of getting and staying pregnant.
Let’s explore how fertility changes as you age and how TEAM can turn back the clock on your fertility potential.
How Aging Impacts Your Fertility According to Your OB/Gyn
From a Western medical perspective, fertility begins to decline in your early 30s and accelerates in your 40s. This is primarily due to a decrease in ovarian reserve—the number and quality of eggs remaining in your ovaries that are available for ovulation each month. As the number and quality of eggs and follicles decline, your ability to produce progesterone - the hormone that supports early pregnancy, also decreases. This is because the primary source of progesterone is the corpus luteum - a temporary gland that forms from your follicle after ovulation. Poor egg development means poor follicle development, poor follicle development means poor corpus luteum development, and poor corpus luteum development means insufficient progesterone production. Otherwise known as luteal phase defect.
That means that even if fertilization occurs, the egg and follicle may not have developed optimally, making early embryonic development more prone to genetic abnormalities and insufficient levels of progesterone to support implantation.
Additionally, modern stressors such as long work hours, environmental toxins, and poor sleep can amplify these challenges, leading to irregular cycles and reduced fertility potential.
The TCM Perspective on Fertility and Aging
In TEAM, fertility is deeply rooted in the health of the Kidney system. This system governs growth, reproduction, and aging. As you age, the energetic potential of the Kidneys naturally declines, which can manifest as reduced vitality, irregular cycles, or hormonal imbalance.
TEAM views this decline as a process that can be slowed and even partially reversed with proper care and lifestyle practices. Acupuncture or acupressure, herbal medicine, moxibustion, circulation promoting exercises, intentional food choices, and nourishing lifestyle practices can all be used to rejuvenate your reproductive system and restore hormone balance allowing you to get pregnant - even in your 30s and 40s.
How TCM Supports Fertility in Your 30s and 40s
TEAM takes a whole-health approach to fertility, addressing physical, emotional, and environmental health. Here’s how its key practices work to support your body as you age:
Acupuncture/Acupressure: Enhancing Blood Flow and Balancing Hormones
Acupuncture and acupressure are one of the most effective tools in TEAM for fertility. Both involve stimulating specific points on your body to stimulate blood flow, regulate hormones, and reduce stress.
Improve ovarian function: Both acupuncture and self-acupressure can be used on specific points to increased blood flow to the ovaries supports which supports follicular development and egg quality.
Support uterine health: Enhanced circulation to the uterus helps to both shed old lining during your period to create a smooth and primed surface with less cramping and moderated flow and supporting the regrowth of a new, thick, implantation receptive lining.
Balances hormones: Acupuncture and acupressure reduce the effects of stress on your hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, improving ovulation and luteal phase function by balancing the levels of estrogen and progesterone.
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