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A Collection of Articles on Fertility, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Facial Rejuvenation, & All Things TEAM

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Decoding Your Cycle: What Your Period Says About Your Fertility
Fertility, Periods Laura Schultz Fertility, Periods Laura Schultz

Decoding Your Cycle: What Your Period Says About Your Fertility

Your period is a monthly indicator of how your hormone system is functioning and can be used as a powerful diagnostic tool, offering insights into both your overall health and your fertility. By learning to interpret your period and cycle as a whole, you’ll uncover valuable information about your reproductive health that can inform the treatment approaches that will work best for you.

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How to Boost Your Fertility in Your 30s and 40s
Fertility Laura Schultz Fertility Laura Schultz

How to Boost Your Fertility in Your 30s and 40s

If you’re trying to get pregnant and you’re in your 30s or 40s, it’s hard not to wonder how much your age is impacting your ability to conceive. While it’s true that fertility naturally declines as you get older, reaching a certain age doesn’t define your fertility. Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) recognizes that while aging is inevitable, there are tools, strategies, and practices that you can use to preserve and restore your ability to get pregnant.

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Are You Too Old to Get Pregnant? A TEAM Perspective on Advanced Maternal Age  (AMA)
Exercise, Fertility, Food Laura Schultz Exercise, Fertility, Food Laura Schultz

Are You Too Old to Get Pregnant? A TEAM Perspective on Advanced Maternal Age  (AMA)

It’s a question loaded with fear and uncertainty, one that probably has you going over your past choices wondering what you could have, should have, would have done differently if only you’d known it would be so hard now. But here’s the truth: while age can present unique challenges, it’s only one part of your fertility picture. As long as you’re still having periods, TEAM can help you improve ovarian function, hormone balance, and endometrial receptivity increasing your chances of conceiving.

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Will TEAM Work for Me? How Traditional East Asian Medicine Addresses Common Fertility Challenges  
Fertility Laura Schultz Fertility Laura Schultz

Will TEAM Work for Me? How Traditional East Asian Medicine Addresses Common Fertility Challenges  

When you’re struggling to get or stay pregnant, it can feel like you’ve tried everything—only to face frustration and disappointment month after month. When you’ve been trying for six months or more, the pressure can be especially overwhelming. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.  

Many women find themselves where you are now, looking for answers on how to get pregnant in the face of challenges like Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Advanced Maternal Age, Low Progesterone, Irregular Cycles,  Anovulation, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, or perhaps most perplexing, Unexplained Infertility. 

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Unlocking Your Fertility Naturally: How Traditional East Asian Medicine Can Help You Conceive
Fertility Laura Schultz Fertility Laura Schultz

Unlocking Your Fertility Naturally: How Traditional East Asian Medicine Can Help You Conceive

Struggling to get or stay pregnant can feel overwhelming, isolating, and disheartening. Especially in your 30s or 40s, feeling like the clock is tick-tick-ticking away while you‘re spending your time sifting through an endless sea of advice, remedies, and interventions. Not to mention the exhaustion of managing your emotions as seemingly everyone around you announces their Big News!  But you’re not alone—and there’s hope.  

Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM) offers a truly holistic, time-tested, and scientifically validated approach to fertility, focusing on restoring balance, improving circulation, and supporting your body’s natural ability to conceive.

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